Consciousness of Self

Consciousness of Self

What?         A Consciousness of Self is the first individual value and is about being aware of what type of person we actually are. Knowing yourself, your values, moral code, ethics, personal style, skills and aspirations is crucial in order to know what kind of person we are. A Consciousness of Self refers to the awareness of our traits, strengths, weaknesses and the ability to see how other people and society affect us. I personally believe that we learn about ourselves for the whole life. I have learned a lot about myself throughout my whole swimming career. Coming to the US and completely changing my lifestyle have taught me more than I could ever imagine. Lately, Introduction to Women’s and Gender Studies class made me realize what I believe in and what I stand for. This course brought up really important issues within our society and it made me reflect deeper on my personal beliefs.

So what?      Knowing yourself is significantly important to have a peaceful life and ‘liking’ the person who we truly are. Acceptance of our weaknesses and recognizing our strengths is crucial in order to have a successful professional career and personal life. Also, knowing and understanding yourself is significantly important in order to understand other people. We need to know what we believe in first, and then we can try to understand others’ beliefs or try to convince people to our beliefs.

Now what?      As I mentioned earlier, I believe that process of knowing ourselves never ends. We learn about ourselves all the time with new situations, experience and people around us. It is extremely important to have an open mind and always learn our lessons from both negative or positive experiences. Understanding our feelings will help us to manage them and make better and wiser decisions.

.zima w B (2)

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