Personality Profile

I took a Clinton Strengths Finder to recognize my top 5 strengths: activator, relator, restorative, deliberative and command. This test really helped me understand what type of leader I am, and what I need to work on to become better.

  1. Activator

People talented with activator theme are people who tend to start things and are impatient for actions. As an activator, I can turn thoughts into actions and I don’t need things to be perfect to start it. Activators are judged by what they get done, not by what they think or say. Action matters the most. Strengths finder says that activators “naturally see how to turn ideas into action. As a result, they make things happen.” Activators always are willing to take assignments or tasks that no one is willing to lead. They made decisions and start acting because only results matter.


  1. Relator

People talented with the relator theme enjoy and focus on close relationships with each other. They enjoy working hard with the group of friends. As a relator, my relationships with friends are close and trusty; I am also careful when it comes to starting new friendships. People tend to ask me about my opinions and views, because, as Strengths Finder explains, “Perhaps they turn to you because you have specialized in certain fields. Maybe you have gained skills or gathered expertise beyond that of the average person.” As a relator, I am an honest person who dislike working with people that are less than truthful.

  1. Restorative

People talented with a restorative theme are great with dealing with the problems and are really good at figuring out what is wrong. Strengths Finder describes people with restorative theme talent as “They enjoy the challenge of analyzing symptoms, identifying what is wrong, and finding the solution. (…) In short, they bring courage and creativity to problematic situations.” As a restorative person am not afraid to take projects that are impossible to save; I analyze the situation, identify the problems and make the necessary changes to find the best solution. As a restorative person, I also have a rational thinking style and might help illogical or emotional people with their decisions, because I can always find more than one solution.

  1. Deliberative


Strengths Finder says that “Those with strong Deliberative talents bring a thorough and conscientious approach to making decisions. They take care to consider options, thinking through the pros and cons of each alternative.” This strength is closely connected with the previous one, because it shows that I make correct choices by identifying the dangers, analyzing the problems and finding the best solutions. My rational way of processing facts helps me to make good decisions. That strength also helps me to separate private life from public life and says that I don’t care about popularity. People with this strength also tend to reduce risk and prevent problems through participation and carefulness.

  1. Command

Words, which described people that are talented with command theme by Strengths Finder: “People with strong Command talents naturally take charge. They see what needs to be done, and they are willing to speak up. They are not frightened by confrontation” perfectly describe me. As a person with strong command strength, I have emotional clarity and am not afraid of making decisions. It helps me resolving conflicts and showing people that they should be realistic and honest while they are dealing with me. Sometimes, my personality intimidates others, especially because I am constantly searching for evidence to make my points. This strength helps me to see things how they are, speak up and make practical decisions based on the best evidence.



  • Gallup Report 834749721 (Weronika Paluszek)
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